Ohenry Pole tents are built tough for the party tent rental industry. Ohenry tent tops are built with first quality American made 16 oz. blockout vinyls. Our pole tents have welded 2" seams instead of the industry standard of 1".
Browse Pole TentsOhenry High Peak tents are kept in stock! Ohenry High Peak tents are heavy duty tents and designed for party tent rentals. Tops built with American made 16 oz. blockout material. High Peak Pole tents have a desirable elegant look.
Browse High Peak TentsDress Up Your Party Tent With American Made Premium Cathedral Window Sidewalls.
Tent SidewallsFind The Tent Stakes, Poles And All The Party Tent Accessories You Need In One Place!
Buy Quality Replacement Frame Tent Fittings, Replacement Tubing & Tent Ratchets.
30x40 Traditional 1 Piece Pole Tent
Includes Top, Stakes, Poles And Guy Ropes. Normally $5,639.00 Now $4,950.00! Call 254-714-1103
Learn Why Ohenry Is Your Best Choice For Quality Party Tents.
See Why Cheap Tents Fail.
Why Ohenry Is BetterStart Your Tent Rental Company With Our "Starter Packages"! Call Today!
More InfoOur diagrams help you visualize pole and stake layouts, and design floor space for Events.
Since 1979, Ohenry Productions Inc. has been manufacturing heavy-duty commercial tents designed for the party rental and event industry. We specialize in frame tents, high peak pole tents, and traditional pole tents, built to withstand years of use.
Our Waco, Texas facility spans 22,000 sq. ft. on 10 acres, where we manufacture all our tent tops and sidewalls in-house—never imported. We also offer custom logo printing through our on-site graphics and sign shop.
Ohenry tents have been used worldwide, including by the U.S. military for rapid-deployment shelters in Afghanistan, Iraq, and beyond. Whether you need a wedding tent, emergency response tent, revival tent, or rental starter package, we have in-stock options ready for immediate delivery.
Need a reliable frame tent or pole tent? Call us today—we’ll help you find the perfect tent for your needs!
Ohenry Tents.com |
3859 Chappel Hill Rd. |
Waco, TX. 76705 |
Office 254-714-1103 |
Fax (254) 714-1117 |